Hoey Family Photos
c 1887-1950
?, Arthur C. Hoey, Sr., and Charles J.
Hoey |
Arthur C. Hoey, Sr. (Standing on far right) |
Charles J. Hoey and Arthur C. Hoey, Jr. c 1920 |
Arthur C. Hoey, Sr. and Agnes T. Kennedy |
Helen "Nellie" M. Hoey, Julia Denny Hoey, and Arthur C. Hoey, Sr. |
Arthur C. Hoey, Sr. c 1920 |
Agnes Hoey c 19** |
Agnes T. (nee Kennedy) Hoey holding
Charles J. Hoey, Arthur C. Hoey, Sr., and Helen Hoey |
Mary Hoey at First Communion c 1919 |
Arthur Hoey, Jr pulling ? |
L to R clockwise: Arthur C. Hoey, Sr.,
Helen, Agnes T. Kennedy, Mary, Charles, Agnes, Arthur Jr. (kneeling) |
L to R standing: Unk, Unk, Unk, unk
child, Agnes Kennedy Hoey, Unk, Arthur C. Hoey, Jr. holding Virginia Hoey, Dorothy Knoll
Hoey. |
Dorothy Knoll, Helen Hoey, Mary Hoey, and Unknown |
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