Hoey Family Photos
c 1887-1950




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?, Arthur C. Hoey, Sr., and Charles J. Hoey 
c 1918

Arthur C. Hoey, Sr.  (Standing on far right)

Charles J. Hoey and Arthur C. Hoey, Jr.  c 1920



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Arthur C. Hoey, Sr. and Agnes T. Kennedy
Wedding Day 1907

Helen "Nellie" M.  Hoey, Julia Denny Hoey, and Arthur C. Hoey, Sr.

Arthur C. Hoey, Sr.  c 1920
holding son Charles J. Hoey



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Agnes Hoey c 19**

Agnes T. (nee Kennedy) Hoey holding Charles J. Hoey, Arthur C. Hoey, Sr., and Helen Hoey
c 1918

Mary Hoey at First Communion c 1919



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Arthur Hoey, Jr pulling ?

L to R clockwise: Arthur C. Hoey, Sr., Helen,  Agnes T. Kennedy,  Mary,  Charles, Agnes, Arthur Jr. (kneeling)
c 1920

L to R standing: Unk, Unk, Unk, unk child, Agnes Kennedy Hoey, Unk, Arthur C. Hoey, Jr. holding Virginia Hoey, Dorothy Knoll Hoey.
Kneeling L to R: Unk, Unk, Unk, Unk, Charles J. Hoey
c 1933



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Dorothy Knoll, Helen Hoey, Mary Hoey, and Unknown


Address Comments, Additions, and Suggestions to: Arthur Hoey at arthur.hoey@_nospam_gmail.com
Updated on Friday, 27 September 2002

Page Hits: 194  since 27 September 2002
