James Hoey

Born: 1833

Died: 20 July 1898 in New Jersey?

Father: Unknown
Mother: Unknown

Submitted by: Arthur Hoey

1833: Born. (From cemetery records, James birth date would be 1845. Headstone has a James Hoey with same death date but James is 65, born 1833.)

Married Elizabeth nee unknown

1865: Son Thomas Hoey born in Ireland

About 1868: Son James Hoey born in New Jersey.

1870: Son Matthew Hoey born in New Jersey.

1870 Federal Census: Jersey City Ward 7, Hudson Co., New Jersey
James Hoan [sic], 35, b Ireland, laborer
Margaret Hoan [sic], 27, b Ireland
Thomas Hoan [sic], 6, b New Jersey
James Hoan [sic], 4, b New Jersey
Mathew Hoan [sic], 2, b New Jersey
Patrick O'Connor, 30, b Ireland, laborer
Bridget O'Connor, ?29?, b Ireland

About 1872: Son John F. Hoey born in New Jersey.

About 1876: Son Bernard Hoey born in New Jersey.

December 1879: Mary Hoey born in New Jersey.

1880 Federal Census: 173 Morgan Street, District 8, Jersey City, Hudson Co., New Jersey
James Hayes [sic], head, 50, b Ireland, laborer
Eliza Hayes [sic], wife, 35, b Ireland, keeps house
Thomas Hayes [sic], 16, b Ireland, works in factory
James Hayes [sic], 12, b New Jersey, works in factory
Mathew Hayes [sic], 10, b New Jersey
John Hayes [sic], 8, b New Jersey
Bernard Hayes [sic], 4, b New Jersey
?Mary? Hayes [sic], daughter, 6/12 (Dec), b New Jersey

22  July 1898: James Hoey, 65, buried at Holy Name Cemetery, Jersey City, New Jersey in Plot N P 89. (From cemetery records, James birth date would be 1845. Headstone has a James Hoey with same death date but James is 65, born 1833.) Son Thomas Hoey erected the headstone.

Before 1900: Daughter Mary E. Hoey. She later marries ? McAghon.

7 March 1900: Wife Elizabeth, 55 (from cemetery records), buried 8 March 1900 at Holy Name Cemetery, Jersey City, New Jersey in Plot N P 89. Headstone reads 50 years old. Son Thomas Hoey erected the headstone.

1899-1900 Jersey City Directory: Son Thomas and Bernard Hoey living at the same address at 168 Morgan. Both listed as laborers.

28 September 1911: Son Bernard Hoey buried at Holy Name Cemetery, Jersey City, New Jersey in Plot N P 89. Son Thomas Hoey erected the headstone.

1918 Jersey City Directory: Thomas Hoey, foreman, 131 Morgan

2 November 1922: Son Matthew Hoey, 40, buried at at Holy Name Cemetery, Jersey City, New Jersey in Plot A 633.

1922-1923 Jersey City Directory: Thomas Hoey, watchman, 131 Morgan

23 April 1828: Son John F. Hoey buried at Holy Name Cemetery, Jersey City, New Jersey in Plot A 633.

Before June 1939:
Son James Hoey dies.
Daughter Mary E. McAghon dies.

June 1939: Son Thomas Hoey died. From Jersey City library obituary card file. 131 Morgan Street. Brother of the late James, Matthew, John, and Bernard Hoey and Mary E. McAghon.

15 June 1939: Thomas Hoey buried at Holy Name Cemetery, Jersey City, New Jersey. 74 years old. Plot A 633 with headstone of McAghon. Others buried in the same plot include John F. Hoey, 55 years old, buried 23 April 1928 and Matthew Hoey, 40 years old, buried 2 November 1922.


Address Comments, Additions, and Suggestions to: Arthur Hoey at arthur.hoey@_nospam_gmail.com
Updated on Tuesday, 10 June 2008

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