Brannockstown consists of 918 acres in the barony of Lower Moyfenrath, civil parish of
Trim, in the province of Leinster.
(This information from IreAtlas at
As a result of a Google web search for the word "Brannockstown", Veronica Bird emailed the following letter that has lead to the development of this web page.
To: Arthur Hoey
Date: 12 April 2001
I live 1 mile from Brannockstown Trim CO. Meath. My friend owns the old Hoey Homestead there. It is now derelict, but still there. Bridget Hoey who was the last residing person in the old homestead, was teaching in Batterstown National School, in the late 30s/40s. She actually taught my hubbie. We think she died about 30 yrs ago. She had a brother Mick and sister Kathy. If you need any information, I would be delighted to help. I presume all these people are buried either in Brannockstown cemetry / Kill Cemetery/ or St Lomans Cemetery Trim.
Kind regards
Veronica Bird
Trim CO. Meath. Ireland
The following photos (taken May 2001) are courtesy of Ms. Bird's research. Transcriptions of the lease will be forthcoming.
Directions to the old Hoey homestead. Longwood Road is R160 heading southwest out of Trim. | ![]() |
Detailed map courtesy of | ![]() |
Dated the 28th day of October 1874 LEASE Containing 7 acres: 3 Roods; 25 Perches Statute Measure Yearly Rent, £5: 10: 0 |
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This Indenture, MADE the Twenty Eighth day of October
one thousand eight hundred and seventy four BETWEEN John Leslie Of Glaslough in the County
of Monaghan Esq M.P. hereinafter called the Lessor of the one part, and Catherine Hoy of
Brannockstown in the County of Meath widow hereinafter called the Lessee, of the other
part, WITNESSETH that, in consideration of the rents hereinafter reserved, and of the
covenants by the Lessee hereinafter contained, the Lessor DOTH hereby demise unto the
Lessee, his Executors Administrators, and Assigns, ALL THAT PART OF THE LANDS OF
Brannockstown situate in the Barony of Lower Moyfenrath and County of Meath containing Seven acres three roods and twenty five perches, statute measure _(left blank)_ years, from the first day of May one thousand eight hundred and Seventy four YIELDING AND PAYING therefor, during the continuance of the said term, unto the said Lessor, his Heirs and Assigns, the Yearly Rent of Five pounds ten shillings by equal half-yearly payments, on the first day of May and the first day of November in every year, the first of such half-yearly payments to be made on the first day of November one thousand eight hundred and seventy four and the said Yearly Rent to be paid clear of all deductions whatsoever, save the Landlord's proportion of Poors' Rate. AND ALSO yielding and paying the additional Yearly Rent of one pound for every acre (and so in proportion for any less quantity) of the Arable Land which shall be over-cropped or used contrary to the course of husbandry hereinafter mentioned, the said additional Yearly Rents, respectively, to be paid and to be recoverable at the times and in the manner at and in which the said Rent, first hereinbefore reserved is herein made payable and recoverable, and the first half-yearly payment of the said several additional Yearly Rents, respectively, to be made on such of the said half-yearly days of payment, hereinbefire mentioned, as shall first happen after such overcropping, or using as aforesaid, and such additional rents to be payable during the remainder of the said term, and all the said several Rents to be paid clear of all deductions whatsoever save as aforesaid. PROVIDED ALWAYS, and it is hereby agreed and declared, that if any part of the said reserved Yearly Rent, or the said Penal Rents, in case the same shall become payable, shall be in arrear for twenty-one days, the said Lessor, his Heairs or Assigns, may enter upon the said Lands hereinbefore expressed to be hereby demised, and distrain thereon, or any part thereof, and dispose of the distress or distresses then and there found, according to law to the intent that thereby the arrears so due, and all costs and expenses occasioned by the said reserved Yearly Rents, or any of them, being in arrear, may be fully satisfied. AND the said Lessee doth hereby, for himself, his Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, covenant with the said Lessor, his Heirs and Assigns, that he, the said Lesses, his Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, will pay the said reserved Yearly Rent of Five pounds ten shillings and aslo the said Penal Rents (in case the same shall become payable) at the times and in the mannner here- |
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inbefore appointed for payment thereof, clear of all deductions, except as aforesaid. AND ALSO that the Lessee, his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, will not alien, underlet, assign, or otherwise dispose of said Premises, or any part thereof, or in any manner part with the possession of the same, or any part thereof for the whole of the said term hereby created, or any part thereof, or let the same, or any part thereof con-acre, without the consent in writing of the Lessor , his Heirs or Assigns, or bequeth the same will to more than one person, or divide the same in any manner among his or their children, or next-of-kin other persons. AND ALSO that the said Lessee, his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns will not build or erect, or cause to be built or erected, any dwelling-house, offices, or any other building whatsoever, on the Premises, or any part thereof, which shall or may be unsuitable to the said Premises, or due occupancy thereof. AND ALSO that the said Lessee, his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns will, during continuance or the said term, cultivate and manage the said Lands in a good and husbandlike manner according to the true intent and meaning of these presents, and of the covenants, clauses, and conditions, and agreement herein contained. AND ALSO will, during the the continuance of the said term, at his and their expense, and sufficiently repair, maintain, scour, and cleanse, and keep in good repair and condition the dwelling-house on the said demised Premises, and all other the edifices and buildings on the said Premises, and all br????, gates, palings, rails, and fences, watercourses, dykes, drains, ditches, and appurtenances to the same Premises belonging, and any new buildings which may be erected thereon, when, where, and as often as ???? shall require, and whether particularly required by notice or not, and will, at the expiration or sooner deter?????tion of the said term, deliver up to the said Lessor, his Heirs or Assigns, the said Premises, together with buildings or erections now standing thereon, also all such buildings or erections as shall during the continuance of the said tenancy be built or erected thereon, and also all such fixtures as are or shall be in any way ??? or fastened to the freehold of the said Premises, an as between Landlord and Tenant are usually considered the property of the Landlord, in such good and sufficient repair and order, and in all respects in such ??? and condition as shall be consistent with the due performance of the several covenants hereinbefore contained, AND FURTHER........... | ![]() |
reserved Rent, and also the Penal Rents ... same shall
become payable, and performing the covenants and agreements on the Lessee's part ....
contained, may quietly hold the said Lands and Premises during the said term, without any
....disturbance of or by the said Lessor, his Heirs or Assigns, or any person or persons
lawfully or ..... or to claim under or in trust for him or them IN WITNESS whereof, the aforesaid ..... to these Presents have hereunto set their Hands and affixed their Seals the Day and Year first herein written. Signed, Sealed, and Delivered by the said John Leslie, in the presence of Samuel Adams Signed, Sealed, and Delivered by the said Catherine Hoy, Lessee, in the presence of Irwin Devitt and Montgomery Devitt |
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Hoey Family House Entry at south elevation |
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Hoey Family House |
Hoey Family House |
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Hoey Family House |
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Hoey Family House |
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Hoey Family House |
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Hoey Family House |
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Michael Hoey headstone at Brannockstown Cemetery |
Michael Hoey headstone closeup at Brannockstown Cemetery
Erected Michael Hoey
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Little is known of the Hoey family that called this their home. Perhaps with the help of the following researchers (and others), more information can be collected. The speculation of this line includes: Michael Hoey born about 1870 had three children with wife Catherine (maiden name unknown), Bridgid Hoey, Kathy Hoey, Mary Rose Hoey, and Michael Hoey. Bridgid was the last tenant of the home. The house was purchased by neighbors in ***** and is currently uninhabited.
Bridgid Hoey (birth date unknown) was the local school teacher in Batterstown National School, which is now known as St Brigids Boardsmill N.S. and is situated about 1 mile from Brannockstown. She never married. She died 21 October 1960 and is buried at St Lomans Cemetery, Trim.
Local lore suggests that Bridgid's sister Kathleen spent a time in England and married but no spouse was ever brought home to Ireland. She died in Brannockstown on 13 June 1966 and is buried in St Lomans Cemetery, Trim, under her maiden name (no mention of a married name).
Mary Rose Hoey (birth date unknown), another sister to Brigid, never married. She worked in Trim as a secretary and stayed in lodgings there. She spent her remaining day's in St Josephs Nursing Home for the elderly in Trim. She died there on 19 August 1973 and was buried in St Lomans Cemetery, Trim.
The headstone at St. Lomans Cemetery, Trim for the sisters above reads as follows:
Photo of Headstone (June
2001) taken at St.Lomans Cemetery, Trim, Co. Meath
IHS In Loving Memory of Brigid Hoey Brannoxtown Trim Kathleen Hoey Mary Rose Hoey R. I. P. |
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Michael Hoey (Mike), brother of above, lived in the Hoey home and farmed the few acres. He is believed to have married a girl by the surname of Hambury, who came from the townsland called Moneymore, Trim. She was a Protestant girl and came from a very well off family. He was a catholic guy, so this marriage was frowned upon and not recognised by the Hamburg family. The marriage only lasted a few years when Ms. Hambury died from either a tumor or a knock to the head. It is unclear where she is buried, even though on Michael Hoey's headstone, it refers to his wife. It is likely that she is buried at the Trim Protestant cemetery or Rathmolyon/Kill Protestant graveyard. They had no children. Michael is buried in Brannockstown Cemetery, Trim.
The closest possible connection might be to Richard Hoey (1796-1866). See ALL LINEAGES page and scroll to Richard Hoey. At least one and perhaps more of his children were born in Brannockstown and he was born in Trim. He and his entire family immigrated to the United States on the ship Albania which sailed from Liverpool and arrived in Boston on 4 September 1846.
Current researchers of this Brannockstown HOEY line include:
Alice Geier
Paula Landry
Mike Sullivan
Tom Barylski
Veronica Bird